What Is a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree?

Students who pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science degree typically have an associate degree in a particular vocation. In some cases, students who have significant work experience in a field can apply their background toward their degree. The programs vary in each school, as will the credits necessary to complete the degree. Understanding the general components of the degree and the opportunities that come with a B.A.S. degree will help you determine if this works best for your goals.

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Majors and Concentrations

Each school has a list of majors associated with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree. Some options may include general business, communications, management, health care administration and early childhood development. You can talk to an academic adviser to look into the options available at your college. She can also determine if you have work experience credits or if your associate degree will apply toward the degree. How Many Years of College Are Required for a Psychology Degree?


Prior to taking classes that apply directly to your major or concentration, you will need to complete prerequisites in general studies. This will include courses in subjects such as writing, math and science. For students who complete an associate degree, you may not need to take prerequisite coursework in general studies. You may need to take core classes that include additional science, math or other coursework that applies to your major. Once you complete your core classes, you can begin taking upper division classes required for your major or area of concentration. These courses may include advanced communication coursework, technology classes and other courses specific to your area of interest. Some programs may also offer classes that provide hands-on experience in your field of study. The school’s academic adviser can help you determine any prerequisites or core courses you need to take, as well as help you map out the courses necessary to complete degree and concentration requirements.

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A bachelor’s in applied science gives you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience that you can add to your resume. Internships allow you to apply the knowledge you gain in the classroom. This may help you move forward in your chosen career since you can show this experience on your resume.

Careers and Graduate Degrees

Students who earn a Bachelor of Applied Science may pursue careers in business management, sales and health care administration. Some schools may offer specialized programs in accounting or security. As well, students who receive this degree may go on to earn graduate degrees in subjects such as law and business.

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